Therapy with healing water
lron spring (calcium-sul phate-water, containing iodine)
lndications for drinkinq cures:
- Appetite energizing
- Suggestion of digesting by cholagogue and support of the
- pancrease also after stomach - and gallbladde opaation
- Supporting in case of sluggishness of the bowels (Blockage) Stabilisation of allergy therapy
- Osteoporose
- Thyroid Subfunction
- Reduction and improvement in case of tendency to urinary passage infections
Restrictions of kidney function as well as heart weakness, acute illnesses of stomach, itestine, liver, gallbladde- and
pancrease With diseased increased calcium elimination in the urin, the calcium matte formation can be promoted
Brine spring "solequelle" (brine, containing iodine)
1. Bath Therapy
- Chronic infectious
- Psoriatic arthritic
- Degenerative rachiopathy and jointdisease
- Allergic skin diseases
- Psoriatic vulgaris in combination with ultra violet ray therapy
2. As Drinklnq Gure ( startino from 1% fertilisation):
- Suggestion of appetite in case of functional
- disturbance of the stomach and the small itestine
- Cyculatory disorder . For improvement of climacteric complaints
3. As lnhalation 0.3 to 0.9%
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic cold and sinusitis
- Functional disturbances of vocal cords
- Restriction of kidney function and manifest heart weakness
- Aöute stomach - itestine - diseases, tendency to bleed
- High blood pressure - regulary controll of blood pressure
Sulphuar "Schwefelborn" (sodium-fluorin-hydrogen carbonate sulphate water, containing sulphuar and fluorine)
lndications for drinking cure:
- Supporting therapy of multiple chemikal sensitivity (MCS) with promotion of detoxification in case of chronic heavy metall
- Fibromyalgie by reduction of pain sensitivity
- Caries prophylaxis . Osteoporose with fluorid lack only in combination as mix with "Ostersod" and bitter spring
- Suggestion of appetite in case of functional disturbances of stomach and small itestine
As lnhalation:
- Respiratory tract disease
- Restriction of kidney function as well as heart weakness with limited fluidtolerance
Bitter spring "Bitterquelle" (calcium-sodium-sulphate-chloride-water containing iodine)
lndications for drinkinq cure:
- Suggestion of digestion and after storrach - and gallbladder - operation
- Functional intestinal disorder / constipation . Supporting of digestion by suggestion rf gall bladder flow, gastric juice and pancrease function
- ln case of diabetis improvement of sugar utilization
- Stabilisation of circulation in case of lcw and high blood _pressure
- lodlne diseases / Thyroid subfunction
- lmprovement in case of chronic urinary tract infection
- Acute heart weakness and restriction cf kidney function with limited fluidtolerance
- ln case of somatopathic increased calcium elimination